Gadgets Under $100
Gadgets that costs less than $100 are showcased here, feel free to roam around
Showing 1–18 of 50 results

Scrubba Portable Wash Bag
DateDecember 15, 2023
CategoryGadgets for Travelers , Gadgets on Amazon, Gadgets Under $100, Outdoor Gadgets
TagsPortable Wash Bag, Scrubba Wash Bag, Travel Washing Machine, Utility
Your vacations and camping expeditions are supposed to be the time to unwind and avoid mundane tasks like doing your laundry. But does that ever happen? Unfortunately, no. Doing laundry is a crucial part of travel.
But what if there was a way to achieve machine-quality wash results while on the move without breaking your back? Well, that's what the Srubba wash bag promises.
What’s the Design Like?
Branded as a portable little washing machine bag, you'd expect an intricate design, and maybe a couple of moving parts. Oddly enough, the Srubba Bag looks like an ordinary laundry bag - just that it can clean your laundry.
The only thing that gives it away is how it looks inside - there are rubbery bumps that agitate your clothes during the wash cycle. Aside from that, there aren't additional fancy elements worth pointing out.
One thing that matters when traveling, however, is the size and weight

Divoom Pixoo Max – Smart, Pixel Display
DateDecember 13, 2023
CategoryCool Home Decor, Gadgets on Amazon, Gadgets Under $100, Smart Home Devices
TagsCool Looking, desk gadget, gaming, Home decor, Tech Gift
If you like quirky retro products, you're probably already familiar with Divoom - the company that crafts unique pixel art products like the Ditoo Speaker and the original Pixoo display. So, how about a larger, brighter, and more colorful display that can enhance your room decor? That'd be the Divoom Pixoo Max.
Design: What is it like?
The first thing that will catch your attention is the minimal yet complete design of the Pixoo Max. The front has nothing other than the 32x32 pixel display, which is a notable upgrade from the 16x16 display that comes with the original Pixoo. The only buttons (three of them) on this display are on the sides - 2 buttons for cycling through different visual channels, and one power button.
There's also a microphone hole and a recessed type-C power port for charging the internal battery, but that's it. As for the placement, you can either: mount

Switchbot Hub 2 Review: Must-Have Smart Home Gadget
DateApril 25, 2023
CategorySmart Home Devices, Cool Gadgets, Gadgets on Amazon, Gadgets Under $100
SwitchBot Hub Mini was my favorite smart home device, but not anymore. Meet Switchbot Hub 2.
Briefly, the SwitchBot Hub 2 is a device that can turn most IR-controlled devices into smart devices. It does so by learning the IR signal of your remote control and imitating the same. Unlike the previous model, the Hub 2 measures and displays room temperature, humidity & illumination. Since it connects to WiFi, all the data and the remote control are accessible from anywhere.
The Upgrade from V1
The SwitchBot Smart Hub Mini was one of their highest-selling products, if not the highest selling product, on Amazon. It has racked up over 40,000 ratings. Surprisingly, SwitchBot was also selling a thermometer hygrometer combo device. Essentially, they took the Hub and the Thermo Hygrometer and combined them to create the SwitchBot Hub 2.
Unlike the Hub 1, this version is matter supported and hence, it works with Apple homekit.

Dr. Clobo – Healthcare Camera with App
DateJanuary 13, 2023
CategoryHealth and Fitness Gadgets, CES 2023, Gadgets on Amazon, Gadgets Under $100
Have you ever tried to get a close look at a hard-to-see part of your body? If so, you know how difficult it can be. But with Dr. Clobo, you can examine even tight spots with ease. Dr. Clobo is a smartphone-connected ear scope that can not only be used to look into your ears, but also your nose, teeth, skin, throat and more.
Equipped with 8 LED lights, its high-definition camera captures crystal-clear, zoomed-in video feed and streams it to your phone in real-time. Dr. Clobo is Wi-Fi connected, so it does not require Bluetooth.
The product comes with two heads: a standard head equipped with a standard lens for dental and skincare needs, and a camera head for the ear and nose equipped with an otoscope lens for a deeper look.
The device is very lightweight and portable. It is battery-operated and has a battery life of about 3 hours. It

Divoom Ditoo – Retro Pixel Art Bluetooth Speaker
DateDecember 18, 2022
CategoryCool Speakers, Cool Gadgets, Gadgets on Amazon, Gadgets Under $100
Tagsdesk gadget, girly gadget
Retro-style gadgets are nothing short of iconic, and Divoom Ditoo takes this concept to the next level. This Bluetooth speaker is designed to evoke a nostalgic feel with its bright pixel art designs. It produces surprisingly good sound quality for its size so that you can enjoy your favorite music in style.
Build quality and overall look
The Divoom Ditoo looks a lot like a small retro desktop PC. Even though it's made of plastic, it feels surprisingly solid and durable. The colorful 16x16 LED display is bright and vibrant – perfect for displaying your favorite pixel art designs or even playing simple games.
You get a mini mechanical keyboard that controls the main functions of the speaker. There's also a joystick-like button on the right side that also has a couple of functions, including switching the keyboard backlight on and off.
Sound quality
The Divoom Ditoo may look small, but it packs quite a

Switchbot Blind Tilt Review – Turn Any Blinds into Smart Blinds
DateNovember 4, 2022
CategorySmart Home Devices, Cool Gadgets, Gadgets on Amazon, Gadgets Under $100
Tagssmart blinds, smart home, smart home devices, smart tilt, switchbot
Switchbot, a reputable brand in the smart home field, recently released its new product. Meet, SwitchBot Blind Tilt, a solar-powered gadget that turns any blinds into smart blinds! While there are so many smart home devices lately, not everyone is useful. In this review, let us see if SwitchBot Blind Tilt is a useful gadget for your house and if you really need it.
Makes your blinds smart
You heard it right. SwitchBot Tilt can be used to make any blinds, not just window blinds but also door blinds smart. Meaning, you can control the closing and opening of your blinds
with your phone (via Switchbot App)
voice (via google home or Alexa or Siri)
with a remote (via Switchbot remote controller)
you can also set schedules and use the light sensor on the device to automatically open/close based on sunlight irradiation
Please note that Switchbot Blind Tilt is a Bluetooth device so

GoCube – Smartphone Connected Speed Cube
DateSeptember 4, 2022
CategoryGadgets for Kids, Cool Gadgets, Gadgets on Amazon, Gadgets Under $100
Tagsgadgets for teens, Kids Gadgets, smart gadget, smart rubics cube alternative
In the 1980s, the Rubiks cube hit the shelves and became popular worldwide instantly. Its fame did not end there as the cube went on to become the best-selling toy. Now that the gadget world is taking over, we have smart, connected cubes and one of the good ones is GoCube Speed Cube. Costing under $100, this is a great tech gift for kids and teenagers.
Smart Cube
The cube connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth and shows the data in real time. You can also set timers. compete with others and many more fun things on the phone app. The app is available for both Android and Apple users.
Equipped with advanced electronic sensors, the cube can measure and track your activity. The contactless sensors track the cube’s state continuously. This enables you to improve your times and moves.
You also have the orientation sensor that includes the accelerometer and gyroscope. These sensors

Olly – Smart Light Therapy Lamp
DateJanuary 11, 2022
CategoryCool Gadgets, CES 2022, Gadgets Under $100, Health and Fitness Gadgets
TagsGet Better Sleep, Improve Concentration, Melatonin Light, Sleep Light
If you are someone who struggles to sleep quickly, this gadget might be for you. Meet Olly, a smart lamp that helps you get to sleep faster. It does so by creating that ambiance that helps you control melatonin. The company claims that Olly is better than coffee!
Olly is small and portable. It can easily be carried in your backpack if not your pocket. It is battery-powered and lasts about 4 hours on a single charge. You can recharge the battery with a USB C input.
The lamp has a magnetic holder. The lamp can be turned on by attaching it to the holder and making sure the logo is in front. Turning off is even easier, you can either turn it or take it off the base.
Olly connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth. You can control the device's brightness and color with it. You can also set an automatic timer

JordiLight – Utility Flashlight
DateJanuary 10, 2022
CategoryCool Gadgets, CES 2022, Gadgets Under $100, Outdoor Gadgets
TagsAdventure Flashlight, Flexible Flashlights, Jordilight smart flashlight, Touch flashlight, Utility Flashlight
While I was at CES 2022, I saw a very cool utility flashlight. It was super bright, touch capacitive, magnetic and looked very futuristic. I tested the product and was impressed. It is called Jordilight and it is made for everyone, be it a bike rider, hiker, hunter, the list goes on.
Jordilight is equipped with 19 multi-colored LEDs and each LED can be controlled independently. All those LEDs are touch capacitive meaning you can touch an individual LED to turn it on or off.
The flashlight is very bright, 3600 lumens to be accurate. It is wirefree and has a rechargeable battery. The battery lasts about 4 hours on max brightness (i.e on 3600 lmn) and about 9 hours on normal use.
Jordilight is magnetic. You can twist and turn it, attach both ends together, attach them to any magnetic material and do a lot more fun stuff.
The product is also IP68

Arculus Hardware Wallet for Cryptocurrency
DateJanuary 6, 2022
CategoryCES 2022, Cool Gadgets, Gadgets for Men, Gadgets on Amazon, Gadgets Under $100
TagsArculus Wallet Features, Arculus Wallet Review, cryptocurrency wallet, hardware crypto wallet, hardware wallet
The market cap of cryptocurrencies has been unstoppable for the last few years. With so much money poured into this space, security has been a great concern. While some people hold their crypto themselves, in their own wallets, others prefer to keep it in exchanges like Binance. Although exchanges are great at keeping your assets safe, there are instances where the best of the best exchanges get hacked.
With that being said, if you really want to control the cryptocurrencies and tokens that you own, you should probably get a hardware wallet, Arculus is one such wallet.
Let us see some of its cool features. You can see more features on their product page.
Hardware Wallet
Arculus is a hardware wallet. That means, your private keys are stored inside the Arculus card. But how do you store them? Well, Arculus is NFC enabled. So, when you buy it, you will have to install their

Govee Glide Smart LED Wall Light Bar
DateAugust 15, 2021
CategorySmart Home Devices, Cool Home Decor, Gadgets on Amazon, Gadgets Under $100
Tagsgovee led lights, modular lights, modular wall lights, rgbic led strip
LED room lights have become so popular that almost every youngster's room will have some type of strip light these days. They are cheap, attractive and fun. I have multiple such lights in my living area lol. But there is a problem with these strip lights, they are not so modular.
I mean, can you make different shapes from them? Probably no. That is exactly when these modular block lights come into the picture. One of the most popular brands is Nanoleaf but there are so many cheaper and better alternatives too, one of them is Govee Glide lights.
Govee, is a popular company in this space and they have a wide variety of products, mostly tube/bar type designs. In this article, let us have a look at Govee Glide RGBIC version which costs well under $100 and is a fairly new model too.
RGBIC - Red Green Blue with Independent Control. This

Pico Max – Indoor Garden System
DateJune 12, 2021
CategoryCool Home Decor, Cool Gadgets, Crowdfunding Campaigns, Gadgets Under $100
TagsHome Garden, indoor garden, one plant garden, Smart Indoor Garden
If you’re finding it hard to keep your plants, succulents, and herbs alive, Pico Max could be the answer you’re looking for. It’s a fully automated indoor planter that allows you to grow a garden anywhere. FYI, Pico Max is the next version of Pico which was a huge hit.
With Pico Max, adequate sunlight and water necessary to grow plants won’t be a problem anymore. The new technology makes sure your plants thrive from the very start, irrespective of the season we are in.
The self-watering features and LED lights make it a standout indoor garden. Let's take a closer look at why Pico is the best choice than its competition:
LED Lights
Powered by multi-spectrum power-efficient LED lights from OSRAM, Pico provides enough light and energy that your plants need to grow all year round.
No need to carry or move your plant outside in search of sunlight. It's equipped with a telescoping

Bebird N3 Pro – Camera Equipped Ear Cleaning Tweezers
DateJanuary 27, 2021
CategoryHealth and Fitness Gadgets, Cool Gadgets, Crowdfunding Campaigns, Gadgets on Amazon, Gadgets Under $100
TagsBebird N3 Pro Review, Ear Tweezer
Throw out the cotton buds; Bebird N3 Pro is here. The revolutionary ear cleaning tweezers is a smart ear cleaning technology that redefines ear cleaning as the manufacturers claim. So, we decided to see what it was all about.
Robotic Arm Technology
The robotic arm technology provides multi-functionality. When the lid is off, you get tweezers and a visual cleaning rod with it back on.
Bebird comes in three size options, allowing for easy switching depending on who is using it. It means one Bebird N3 tweezers can serve the whole family, from adults to kids.
Visual Cleaning
Bebird Note3 Pro allows you to get a visual during the cleaning. It has a 10 million pixel, high-definition camera that gives you real-time footage. The special lenses give more clarity, and the LED lights eliminate shadows. All these features allow for greater accuracy and precision when cleaning.
360° Angle Detection
Another interesting innovation is the 360-degree angle projection.

The Couch Console – The Self Balancing Cupholder
DateJanuary 9, 2021
CategoryCrowdfunding Campaigns, Gadgets on Amazon, Gadgets Under $100, Shut Up and Take My Money
Do you usually struggle to find a place to put all your knickknacks? If yes, you should invest in the Couch console. It incorporates everything you need, including holders for your cups, snacks, phone, and so much more. Ebite Inc. may be promising a lot in this compact pack, but do they deliver?
Multiple Functionalities
You get so much out of the coach console. These include:-
Snack holder
USB charging plug
Phone and remote organizer
Extra storage space for other items you like to carry around, including batteries and cables
Self-Balancing And Modular Cup Holder
Ebite Inc. used the gyroscope system to solve an issue many of us have; how to keep your cup in a vertical position. It is especially hard when you do not have a flat surface. The coach console’s cup holder will not spill your drink due to the self-balancing technology. You can also lock your cup into place

Shower Power: The Hydropower Shower Speaker
DateNovember 13, 2020
CategoryCool Gadgets, Crowdfunding Campaigns, Gadgets on Amazon, Gadgets Under $100
TagsHydropower Speaker
Singing in the bathroom is not only fun: it can also be a perfect platform to accidentally discover your singing talent. In any case, there are more bathroom singers than you thought existed.
If you love singing in the bathroom, getting a waterproof Bluetooth speaker can enhance your experience. The only annoying fact is that the majority of these speakers have to be charged every now and then or powered using cords.
But what if you had a shower speaker that is waterproof and does not need to be charged or connected to a power source for it to work? Well, that is more like the Shower Power Speaker by Ampere. With the capability to use hydropower to recharge its built-in battery, this speaker offers you a shower experience as you’ve never had before.
Ampere Shower Power Features
Designed and manufactured by US startup Ampere, the Shower Power is a waterproof, hydro-powered speaker that

MOFT Float – Invisible and Foldable Stand & Case for iPad Pro
DateOctober 5, 2020
CategoryApple Accessories, Gadgets on Amazon, Gadgets Under $100
Tagsfoldable stand for iPad Pro, iPad Pro stand, MOFT Float Features
Mobile Office for Travelers is a trademark devoted to imaginative creations that improve your productivity on the move! Till recently, the most moveable cases and stands didn’t provide eye-level viewing plus adjustable angles for user-friendly working. The iPad Pro is your next PC, and it merits a well-set stand and case. Introducing MOFT Float, a foldable stand case combo for iPad Pro.
If you are not familiar, MOFT has been developing some of the best accessories for smartphones, tablets and laptops. Now, let us explore some of the coolest features of MOFT Float.
Imperceptible Design
MOFT Float is made with an integral stand. It remains in line with the MOFT “invisible design,” thinking of offering more protections and functions whereas retaining the same slim form. It is floatable whenever it’s needed and concealed whenever you do not. With its ground-breaking and trademarked double-hinge construction, it can uplift the screen to an apt height

AirBolt GPS – World’s Smallest Global GPS Tracker
DateAugust 23, 2020
CategoryCool Gadgets, Crowdfunding Campaigns, Gadgets for Men, Gadgets Under $100
TagsAirBolt Features, AirBolt GPS, AirBolt GPS Tracker, Global tracking GPS, waterproof GPS
AirBolt GPS is the world's smallest GPS that allows you to track everything dear to you. You can use it to track your kids, pets, gears, or luggage
It features a global location tracking that enables you to track your possession accurately and globally. Some trackers use Bluetooth, which is unreliable and limited in range. However, AirBolt uses GPS technology, which is more accurate and offers a wide range. Even though Airbolt offers worldwide tracking, be mindful of their subscription charges before purchasing. I couldn't find any detailed information about their subscription plans.
You can use its nearby tracking feature without any subscription
This global tracking GPS is small, compact and easy to hang on a pet collar or slide discreetly in a bag or pocket. It measures 37mm x 34mm x 11mm weight, and approximately 21 grams only.
Every part of this AirBolt tracker is designed to last – including the battery. It

Lauco – The Smallest 100W USB-C Wireless Charging Hub
DateAugust 21, 2020
CategoryCrowdfunding Campaigns, Cool Gadgets, Gadgets Under $100
TagsBest USB C Hub, Lauco 100W USB Hub, Lauco Features, Lauco USB C Hub, Lauco Wireless Charging Hub, Smallest USB C Hub
With laptops becoming smaller and thinner, the manufacturers are ditching USB ports. Most of the 2 in 1 laptop these days will feature only a couple of USB ports if not a single type C port. This is a big problem. Also, if your laptop charges via USB C cable, you are doomed. Most of the USB hubs on the market don't support PD charging and the ones that do so are very bulky. Luckily, we have a new and innovative product today. Meet Lauco USB C hub that can also charge your phone wirelessly.
The Lauco is a multipurpose and powerful USB-C dock that is obtainable in two versions: 8-in-1 and 12-in-1. Lauco 100W USB Hub is capable of linking external gadgets with your computer, plus an incorporated wireless charging pad offers equal to 10 Watts wireless charging output.
We have two models, a smaller 8-in-1 and a bigger 12-in-1. Both
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