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Switchbot Blind Tilt Review – Turn Any Blinds into Smart Blinds
DateNovember 4, 2022
CategorySmart Home Devices, Cool Gadgets, Gadgets on Amazon, Gadgets Under $100
Tagssmart blinds, smart home, smart home devices, smart tilt, switchbot
Switchbot, a reputable brand in the smart home field, recently released its new product. Meet, SwitchBot Blind Tilt, a solar-powered gadget that turns any blinds into smart blinds! While there are so many smart home devices lately, not everyone is useful. In this review, let us see if SwitchBot Blind Tilt is a useful gadget for your house and if you really need it.
Makes your blinds smart
You heard it right. SwitchBot Tilt can be used to make any blinds, not just window blinds but also door blinds smart. Meaning, you can control the closing and opening of your blinds
with your phone (via Switchbot App)
voice (via google home or Alexa or Siri)
with a remote (via Switchbot remote controller)
you can also set schedules and use the light sensor on the device to automatically open/close based on sunlight irradiation
Please note that Switchbot Blind Tilt is a Bluetooth device so
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