Arculus Hardware Wallet for Cryptocurrency
- Dedicated Smartphone App
- 3 Factor Authentication - Biometrics, Private Pin, Arculus Key Card
- Uses Encrypted NFC Connection
- No Charging, No Cables
- Tap to Transact
The market cap of cryptocurrencies has been unstoppable for the last few years. With so much money poured into this space, security has been a great concern. While some people hold their crypto themselves, in their own wallets, others prefer to keep it in exchanges like Binance. Although exchanges are great at keeping your assets safe, there are instances where the best of the best exchanges get hacked.
With that being said, if you really want to control the cryptocurrencies and tokens that you own, you should probably get a hardware wallet, Arculus is one such wallet.
Let us see some of its cool features. You can see more features on their product page.
Hardware Wallet
Arculus is a hardware wallet. That means, your private keys are stored inside the Arculus card. But how do you store them? Well, Arculus is NFC enabled. So, when you buy it, you will have to install their mobile app, get a wallet and configure it to the card. Once that is done, you will have the private keys on this card forever.
The card is so thin and lightweight. It is just like a credit card in your wallet.
Backup Key Phrase Option Available
What if you lose the card? Does that mean all your crypto assets are gone forever? I had the same question. Fortunately, there is a backup keyphrase option. That means, when you get the wallet, you also get a key phrase which normally constitutes of few words in order. If you write it down on a piece of paper and keep it safe, you can use it in case if you lose the card. Just open their mobile app and follow instructions to access or transfer cryptos or configure it to a new card.
The company recommends you to have two cards stored with the same private key but that is too messy for me.
NFC Based Operation
Arculus uses NFC technology (the same thing your credit card uses). That means, no battery or power is needed. When you want to do a transaction, just open their app and authenticate by touching the phone to the card.
Smartphone App
From what I heard from their team, the smartphone app lets you do different things including crypto transfers, swapping, purchases, etc. It also lets you set the private key and do other basic stuff. Please note that once you set a private key and feed it to your card, you cannot override the card. But, you can change your private key. If you change it, I think you need to get a new/fresh card and the previous card a waste?!
Different from Ledger
If you don’t know, Ledger is another great hardware wallet to store cryptocurrencies. Unlike Ledger, Arculus does not require any batteries. Also, the APP interface is clean and easy to navigate.
- Dedicated Smartphone App
- 3 Factor Authentication - Biometrics, Private Pin, Arculus Key Card
- Uses Encrypted NFC Connection
- No Charging, No Cables
- Tap to Transact
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