STEM Gadget
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Animal Island Aila Sit & Play Toddler Learning System
It is every parent’s joy to give their kids the best shot at life. Whereas it is the education that we give our kids that allows them to excel in life. Well, thanks to technology, nowadays there are fun ways in which you can keep your toddler entertained, engaged and get to learn at the same time.
The Aila Sit & Play properly fits this bill. It is a gadget that has been engineered with your toddlers’ interest at heart. At this young age, your toddler is curious to learn new things, and this gadget presents the right opportunity to teach them the right information.
When you purchase this gadget for your toddler, you are supporting their early literacy, cognitive development, social skills, numeracy education, as well as their emotional growth.
Highlighted below are incredible features of the Animal Island Aila Sit & Play.
It goes without saying that this toddler learning system is

Petoi Bittle – A Palm-sized STEM Robot Dog
DateOctober 2, 2020
CategoryFuturistic Gadgets, Cool Gadgets, Crowdfunding Campaigns, Gadgets for Kids, Shut Up and Take My Money
TagsPetoi Bittle Robot, Robot Dog, STEM Gadget, STEM Robot for Kids
The Petoi Bittle robot is a palm-sized robot dog developed for fun but also serves as a STEM gadget. It is manufactured by Petoi, a startup company whose main goal is to produce simple, innovative pets.
The Bittle robot dog walks, plays tricks, and rolls around just like a real dog. It has been designed to maneuver on all kinds of terrains. You can teach it new skills and make it memorize various patterns.
Additionally, Bittle can be used for STEM education. It is an ideal gadget for teaching and researching STEM projects. It also makes a good present to surprise a family member or a dear friend. However, the robot dog is not a toy for small children. Parental guidance is recommended when kids are playing with it to avoid injury or damage.
This is the coolest robot toy I've seen so far
Developed on an open-source platform, the Petoi Bittle dog is fused

CircuitMess STEM Box: A Cool Programming Kit for Kids
DateJuly 18, 2020
CategoryGadgets for Kids, Cool Gadgets, Crowdfunding Campaigns, Gadgets on Amazon
TagsCircuitmess Electronics Kit, Circuitmess Features, Circuitmess Stem Kit, STEM Gadget, STEM Toy for Kids
CircuitMess STEM Box allows students to learn and create new technology. It aims at equipping learners with relevant skills for the future. So what makes this STEM kit such a unique and valuable learning tool to have?
The CircuitMess STEM kit gives learners the opportunity to learn a wide range of skills. Students learn electronic and programming skills in a fun, and entertaining way. They get to know more about:
Sound synthesis and Sound production with Jay-D
Wireless communication with Chatter
Voice recognition and AI with the DIY voice assistant Spencer
Autonomous driving with Wheelson
Video engineering and microcomputers with ByteBoi
Machine learning such as making and coding your own smart wearable device with Clockstar
Each STEM gadget covers a specific topic, but you can interconnect them for a more interactive experience. All the products include circuit mass electronic kits, instruction booklets, and online tutorials, among others.
What we like
This is a

Sphero Mini : The App-Controlled Robot Ball
DateNovember 10, 2018
CategoryGadgets for Kids, Gadgets on Amazon, Gadgets Under $50
TagsApp-Enabled Programmable Robot Ball, kids toys, robot, STEM Gadget
Sphero has created some of the finest STEM toys for kids and today, we are going to check out their Sphero Mini robot. Sphero Mini is an app-controlled robot ball that can be programmed as per your needs. You can use your smartphone to move it around, play games with it and compete with other Sphero users.
Little robot. Lotta fun. Sphero Mini fits a huge experience into a tiny robot the size of a ping pong ball. Aside from driving and addicting games, get the ball rolling just by using your face. Yes, you read that right. Face Drive is a crazy, first-of-its-kind feature that uses facial recognition technology to drive the ball. And thanks to the beauty of app updates, there's always more features on the way.
Packed with teeny tiny tech, Sphero Mini has a gyroscope, accelerometer, and LED lights that glow in millions of colors. Colorful, interchangeable shells
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