If you are looking to purchase Maxoak Bluetti EB150 or Bluetti EB240 portable battery stations, use the following coupon codes to get maximum benefits. Also, check out my in-depth review of Maxoak Bluetti EB150.

These are limited time offers, grab it before its gone

Bluetti EB150 Offers

Offer 1: Save $200 on Bluetti EB150 – Available now for $899 from $1,099

Go to the product page here

  • Add the product to cart, and proceed to checkout.
  • Enter coupon code EB150200 to get the discount.
  • It is their official website and I have personally confirmed it from their customer care. You can purchase the product without worry.
  • Shipping is free and there is no sales tax


Offer 2: Save $150 on Bluetti EB150 – Available now for $949 (+Tax) from $1,099

Go to the product page here

  • On the page, just below the price, you will see a coupon to save $100. Tick that option.
  • Add the product to cart, and proceed to checkout
  • If it doesn’t work, let me know in the comments below and I will respond asap


The second offer adds tax to your final price while the first offer is tax-free. Choose according to your location and convenience.

Bluetti EB240 Offers

Offer 1: Save $300 on Bluetti EB240 – Available now for $1299 from $1599

Go to the product page here

  • Add the product to cart, and proceed to checkout.
  • Enter coupon code EB240300 to get the discount (US only).
  • It is their official website and I have personally confirmed it from their customer care. You can purchase the product without worry.
  • Shipping is free and there is no sales tax.


Offer 2: Save $300 on Bluetti EB240 – Available now for $1299 (+Tax) from $1,599

Go to the product page here

  • On the page, just below the price, you will see a coupon (that says Save an extra $100 when you apply this coupon) to save $100. Tick that option.
  • Add the product to cart, and proceed to checkout
  • If it doesn’t work, let me know in the comments below and I will respond asap


The second offer adds tax to your final price while the first offer is tax-free. Choose according to your location and convenience.