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Terraplanter – A Cool Inside Out Planter
DateMay 9, 2020
CategoryCool Gadgets, Crowdfunding Campaigns, Shut Up and Take My Money
TagsHome Garden, Inside out Planter, Terraplanter
Note: This product is now called Tevaplanter
Today I am featuring a cool home decor kinda gadget called Terraplanter (they've changed their name to Tevvaplanter now). Terraplanter is an inside-out planter used for growing plants indoors. The planter holds water inside, and then it diffuses it outwards hence sustaining plants that grow on its surface. In this article, we shall be taking you through the crucial features of a Terraplanter.
1. Runs on water only
Terraplanter 1is not equipped with soil or dirt; however, it runs on water only. Therefore, maintaining this hydroponic planter is relatively easy since it does not require much cleaning.
2. Highly reusable
The best part is that terraplanter is made from natural materials, and it is 100% reusable. This makes it an incredible method of curbing your carbon footprint.
3. Constant water supply
With terraplanter, your plant’s roots are assured a constant supply of water. In addition to that, they will also
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