robotic nail salon
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Nimble Robotic Nail Painter
DateApril 29, 2021
CategoryCool Gadgets, Crowdfunding Campaigns, Gadgets for Women, Shut Up and Take My Money
Tagsrobotic nail polisher, robotic nail salon
OMG. Say “Nimble.” Memorize It. Think: “I will do myself a favor. I will treat myself to the Nimble robotic nail salon.” I am a convert after one use. Its compact, industrial, white shell design matches any decor aesthetic, so I plan to leave it on my desktop near my computer. It will take a direct inquiry (or being caught doing my nails “at work”) for people to know.
I spent only twenty minutes and gazed at a completely dry, smear- and smudge-proof nail polish. It looked as if I had stepped out of a very high end salon. The curve, length and width of my nails were each perfectly painted. Impossible? No, not with the Smart AI technology that operates this compact wizard of nail science.
Whether you are a dress-for-success professional or a busy work-from-home kinda gal, Nimble’s automatic nail polish system gives you the quality of a manicurist’s paint
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