Portable telescope
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Vespera Smart Portable Telescope
DateJanuary 10, 2022
CategoryCool Gadgets, CES 2022, Futuristic Gadgets
TagsAutomatic Telescope, Celestial Telescope, Portable telescope, Smart Telescope
Whether or not you are a space enthusiast, this gadget is going to make you one. Vespera, a futuristic smart telescope that can be controlled with your phone to take stunning images of stars and galaxies of millions of light-years away. Yes, you heard that right, you can take pictures of galaxies that are hundreds of millions of miles away.
Vespera is fully automated, all you have to do is pair it with your smartphone, choose a co-ordinate to focus on and start the process. The initialization takes about 3 minutes and once that's done, the telescope takes a series of images of the star/galaxy and overlaps them on top of one another to create a bright final image.
The smartphone app is mandatory to use this telescope. The app gives you recommendations on what to see based on your location, when to see and detailed info on galaxies or stars you
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