Metafly Drone
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MetaFly – A Cool Ornithopter You can Own
DateMarch 9, 2019
CategoryCool Gadgets, Cool Drones, Futuristic Gadgets, Gadgets for Kids, Shut Up and Take My Money
TagsBird Drone, Cool Ornithopter, Metafly Drone
You might be knowing drones but do you know what an Ornithopter is? If not, check out this super cool gadget named Meta Fly which is very similar to a drone that flies in the sky but it's an ornithopter, which means, it is like a flying insect that can maneuver itself. Sounds amazing but does it actually work? Watch the video below and see for yourself. As per the manufacturer, this drone-like creature is a biomimetic controllable creature that can fly in the sky for around 8 minutes on a single charge.
The range is about 100 meters which isn't too much. Since this gadget is being used as a toy, that should be fine. The drone is very similar to a dragonfly both in terms of look and functionality. It is invented by 'BionicBird' which had previously brought out another bird-looking drone in late 2014.
Metafly is crashproof and is
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