Gadget for Cats
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Pumpkii – A Cool Modular Robot For Pets
DateAugust 27, 2020
CategoryPet Accessories, Crowdfunding Campaigns
TagsGadget for Cats, Pumpkii Pet Robot, Pumpkii robot for pets, robot for pets
Have you ever looked at your pet and realized it might be lonely? You are not alone. Studies conducted on animals indicate that they are capable of feeling lonely, bored and depressed. But it doesn’t have to be that way. With the Pumpkii pet robot, your pet can have a new company that will keep it happy and entertained.
Pumpkii is the world's first modular robot for pets. It is designed to take care of your pet and keep it company when you’re not at home. If you are looking for a new playmate for your pet, you might want to consider Pumpkii. Guess what, it can even feed your pet with its automatic pet feeder feature.
Pumpkii can move sideways too!
Why You Should Buy This?
This innovative robot has a cat teaser for teasing your cat and training your dog to keep them engaged, so that they can exercise more and sleepless.
Cheerble Board Game – 3 in 1 Robotic Ball for Cats
DateMay 31, 2020
CategoryPet Accessories, Crowdfunding Campaigns, Gadgets on Amazon, Gadgets Under $50
TagsGadget for Cats, Robot Toy for Cat
You see, ever since my owner bought both versions of the Cheerble Board Games (the Billiard Table and the Feline Maze), we play pool, soccer, and turn a-mazing cat tricks.
You humans might think this is a gadget for cats, but I can assure you, being a Cheerble Ball Master requires far more intelligence than just gadgetry. We know purrfectly well that the tiny 42 mm synthetic fiber ball flies wicked far with a healthy swat. We love to watch the colors of the LED band that wraps the middle of that tiny ball; in fact, it keeps our eyes engaged and our curiosity riveted. We are spoiled cool cats.
Currently, Eine and I favor cat billiards or floor soccer. Since Cheerble holds a charge for four hours after it has been plugged into its USB charging cable, we can play for hours. We like to show out our skills, batting around
Ebo is a Smart Robot Companion for Cats
DateNovember 18, 2019
CategoryPet Accessories, Cool Gadgets, Crowdfunding Campaigns
TagsCat Toy, Cool Gadget Toy, Ebo, Ebo Robot, Ebo Toy, Gadget for Cats, Robot Toy for Cat, Smart Robot
OMG. I just had a crush on Ebo, but Ms. Kitty may have fallen in love. The Ebo Smart Robot has rebounded my depressed cat into kittenhood. Ms. Kitty’s partner in crime, Mr. P, died about a month ago, leaving her lethargic, bored and kneading my stomach and head. I grieved with her, but something needed to be done. Another cat? It seemed too soon to me. Also, I admit to enjoying cleaning up after only one cat in the litter box.
Enter the adorable Ebo Cat Robot. It arrived on the market just in time for Christmas. It only by happenstance that I found it. I think it should be on the Google list of 10 Best Christmas Presents this year!!! I have told all my friends who are cat lovers all about Mr. Ebo, an innovative, long-overdue high-tech toy for cat owners.
Ebo was the purrfect Christmas present. It has
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