Wagz Freedom – Smart Dog Collar


  • GPS Location Tracking
  • Customizable Geofences
  • No Shocks
  • Uses Vibration, Audible cues and Ultrasonic sounds
  • Activity & Wellness Tracking
  • Rechargeable Battery
  • Light Weight - 50grams

If you have a dog at home, you might want to check this gadget out. Meet Wagz, a smart GPS tracking device and activity tracker for your dogs. I came across this product at CES 2022. Let us now look at some of the useful features of the product. For complete details, please check the product page.

Tracking Device

Wagz mainly uses GPS tracking but also uses Wifi, Bluetooth and Cellular information to track the device accurately. In case if the dog is away from your Wifi or smartphone, the tracker uses GPS to accurately detect the position of the device around the globe.

You should know that tracking alone is not enough if the location cannot be sent back to the owner. For this to work, you will need a cellular connection. Wagz sells the cellular subscription for $9.99 a month. With this option, the tracker can track your dog almost anywhere in the US. I know that their cellular tracking works worldwide as well but I am not sure of the % of coverage, make sure to check it if you are outside of the states.


Wagz uses satellite/GPS based geofencing that can be done through their mobile app. All you have to do is put markers or boundaries on the map (I think they use google map satellite view) around your home and the device vibrates and sends an audible as well as an ultrasonic sound if the dog crosses the virtual boundary.

Note, there is no electric shock, just vibration and an audible tone for humans to know and an ultrasonic tone that only dogs can hear.

Activity Tracking

Wags also has an activity tracking feature which is pretty useful for any dog. This feature lets you track basic physical activities such as step count, exercise and sleep duration as well as Health & Happiness Score. But isn’t health & happiness score relative?

Wagz Dog Collar

Lightweight and Battery Powered

This dog collar only weighs ~50 grams and has a rechargeable battery. It is recommended to recharge it once every 10-12 hours (as I heard from the manufacturer) but it largely depends on the activity of your dog.


The product is currently available on Amazon as well as Wags.com. Feel free to check it out, it could be a cool gadget for your dog.


  • GPS Location Tracking
  • Customizable Geofences
  • No Shocks
  • Uses Vibration, Audible cues and Ultrasonic sounds
  • Activity & Wellness Tracking
  • Rechargeable Battery
  • Light Weight - 50grams
Editor's Rating
4.3 / 5 Ratings
Editor's QuoteUseful product for dog owners but make sure it fits your needs before getting one
Editor's Rating
4.3 / 5 Ratings
Editor's QuoteUseful product for dog owners but make sure it fits your needs before getting one