Cheerble Board Game – 3 in 1 Robotic Ball for Cats


  • Robotic Ball
  • Weighs 60 Grams
  • Synthetic Fiber Material

You see, ever since my owner bought both versions of the Cheerble Board Games (the Billiard Table and the Feline Maze), we play pool, soccer, and turn a-mazing cat tricks.

You humans might think this is a gadget for cats, but I can assure you, being a Cheerble Ball Master requires far more intelligence than just gadgetry. We know purrfectly well that the tiny 42 mm synthetic fiber ball flies wicked far with a healthy swat. We love to watch the colors of the LED band that wraps the middle of that tiny ball; in fact, it keeps our eyes engaged and our curiosity riveted. We are spoiled cool cats.

Cat robot toy

Currently, Eine and I favor cat billiards or floor soccer. Since Cheerble holds a charge for four hours after it has been plugged into its USB charging cable, we can play for hours. We like to show out our skills, batting around the 2 grams, ping-pong sized ball. We also take turns lolling on our sides while we practice Cheerble shots into the billiard pockets. At a little over 19 inches x 15 inches, the Billiard Board Game provides plenty of room to roll a Cheerble into a corner pocket. Our scratching carpet is a traditional green, but this cat toy also comes in blue.

Cheerble ball

Stein, who substantially outweighs both of us, prefers the Cheerble maze. We may only pounce with sneak forays. First Stein enjoys T-ball practice with the red ball-on-a-flexi-stick on the dark gray mezzanine level of the maze. Then he pops his matching red Cheerble Ball through one of the six holes. He finishes by batting the ball around the ground level or sharpening his claws on the synthetic fiber turf floor.

Cheerble Cat Toy

Our owner is thrilled. The kneading and loud meowing have significantly lessened with the arrival of an intelligent, smart board game for cats. We exercise. We hunt the ball. Boredom and anxiety are banished. When our owner arrives home, we greet her with loving leg rubs and contented purrs.

Our house is serene. I heard my owner telling a friend (only once) that the Cheerble Board Game and Cheerble Ball were a tad pricey, so she ordered each cat toy and took advantage of the wicked discounts for multiples. For us – Albert, Eine, and Stein – the cost to her is relatively small compared to the joy and peace in our home.

You are a cat lover. What do you think? What are contented, well-exercised, and happy cats worth?


  • Robotic Ball
  • Weighs 60 Grams
  • Synthetic Fiber Material
Editor's Rating
4.6 / 5 Ratings
Editor's QuoteThis smart ball is all your cat needs when he is alone
Editor's Rating
4.6 / 5 Ratings
Editor's QuoteThis smart ball is all your cat needs when he is alone