Best Gadgets

7 Best Electric Bikes for Heavy Riders

There are so many electric bikes in the market, varying by size, shape, features and whatnot. For an average person, there are plenty of options to choose from but for someone who is a heavy rider, the options are limited. Worry not, to help all...
Best Gadgets

7 Best Electric Bikes for Tall Riders

E-bikes have established themselves as the most fun way to get around. The ability to easily ride up hills or down the street at 25 mph makes them an absolute blast. How much fun is riding to the gym or office on a bike that...
lightweight travel jacket
Best Gadgets

7 Best Lightweight Travel Jackets for Men

If you are a frequent traveler, you know how useful it is to carry a jacket. Be it on the flight, in the snow or rain, a comfy feature-packed jacket makes your day better. Personally, I carry a heated jacket when I travel. Since it...
Best Gadgets

7 Coolest Music Gadgets & Gifts

If you are looking to find a cool music accessory for yourself or gift one to a music lover, you are in the right place. In this post, I am listing some of the coolest music gadgets and accessories available online. If you have any...
Zuvi Halo Hair Dryer
Best Gadgets

15+ Coolest Gadgets and Tech from CES 2022

I just came home from CES 2022 and I can certainly say that it was not like any previous CES events. Covid scares, companies pulling out, canceled last day…it was definitely a roller coaster for CTA who organizes CES. On the flip side, I was...